Transboundary Emerald Sites on the borders of Ukraine-Belarus and Ukraine-Moldova .

Transboundary Emerald Sites on the borders of Ukraine-Belarus and Ukraine-Moldova .

Activity 3.1. Preparation of the list of transboundary Emerald Sites on the borders with Belarus and Moldova and based on respective lists of Belarus and Moldova to compile the list of transboundary Emerald Sites on the borders of Ukraine-Belarus and Ukraine-Moldova, taking into account that one Emerald site can be in contact with a few Emerald sites in other country.

The Partners are prepared the list of transboundary Emerald Sites on the borders with Belarus and Moldova and based on respective lists of Belarus and Moldova to compile the list of transboundary Emerald Sites on the borders of Ukraine-Belarus and Ukraine-Moldova, taking into account that one Emerald site can be in contact with a few Emerald sites in another country.

The list of transboundary Emerald Sites on the borders of Ukraine-Belarus and Ukraine-Moldova could be found on link.

Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum


“Preparation of Policy Paper for Management of Transboundary Emerald Sites of Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and Republic of Moldova”

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