Project: “Improving governance of protected areas in Moldova through institutional development, capacity development and habitat restoration”
Project number: 8389-00/2022
Assignment Name: Social Project
The project “Improving governance of protected areas in Moldova through institutional development, capacity development and habitat restoration, is financed by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), with funds of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).
The grant agreement for the implementation of the Project was signed on 7 August 2023 between the Austrian Development Agency, the Public Association Ecological Society “BIOTICA” and Public Association EcoContact from the Republic of Moldova, and a portion of these funds are intended to be applied for eligible payments under the contract for which this Request for Proposals is issued.
P.A. EcoContact now invites proposals from Individual Consultants to provide the social-related services in their capacity of Social Expert for the Project. More details on the services are provided in the Request for Proposals, including the TORs (RfP_Social Consultant.pdf).
The objective of the given consultancy is to provide support to PA ES BIOTICA and PA EcoContact in conducting a need assessment for each PA administration within the project to identify appropriate interventions, in assessing the social perception survey and inputs to the Communication Strategy, to conduct baseline surveys and intersectional gender analysis to understand the needs and opportunities of women within the target PAs and provide support in conducting the training to encourage entrepreneurship led by women in Moldova’s protected areas.
Key Qualifications:
The consultancy is expected to be undertaken within a period of 10 months, commencing on 30 March 2024, with a level of effort not exceeding 36 person-days.
Proposals must be submitted to the following e-mails:, copy to no later than the following date and time: 8 March 2024, 18:00 (Chisinau time).